2 for 1
‘Double up’ your experiences with your mobile plan from Nema
Spoil your loved ones!
As a Nema mobile customer you can invite someone for a bagle, a cup of coffee or to the cinema. Buy 1 and get 1 free.
Get started today and save money on all the amazing offers.
It’s easy to get started
1. Download the 2 for 1 app on your phone
2. Sign in with your mobile number.
3. Enjoy all the amazing offers.
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2 for 1 offers
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2 for 1
Sum veitari av einum 2 fyri 1 tilboði fært tú lýsing gjøgnum appina og ymiskar miðlar. At gerast veitari er ein góður máti at økja um kundavitjanir ávísar dagar ella tíðspunkt á degnum. Tað einasta kravið er, at tú bjóðar eitt 2 fyri 1 tilboð upp á eina útvalda vøru ella tænastu.